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Damian Drăghici 達米安是羅馬尼亞人,從10歲就會吹會吹排簫,他與Jennifer Crestol一同演奏這首歌,歌曲十分動聽迷人。
這首歌曲當時找了好一段時間,不知道為何直接搜Dancing with the star都找不到英文歌詞,所以只好自己聽打,供大家參考~
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# 歌詞 Lyrics am i ready enough to show 我是否有足夠的勇氣 the true colors of my soul 顯露靈魂真正的本色 my heart is open 我心已然開啟 waiting for a song 等待旋律響起 riding on the wings of your love 搭乘你愛的羽翼 a new wonder to explore 探索新的驚奇 a light brighter than before 光明前所未有 taking a journey 展開一段旅程 following a dream 追隨夢的軌跡 gliding on the wings of your love 在你愛的羽翼上滑翔 dancing with the stars 與星辰共舞 circling on heavens 在天際盤桓 reaching for the moon light 展臂觸及月光 searching for a pathway 尋找路徑 watching it unfold 看它已然開啟 gentle as breezing 如微風輕柔 wild like the river 如大河狂野 moving with the flow 隨波逐流 <br /> <br /> brimming like a cloudburst 滿溢如傾盆驟雨 high above the moutain 高高覆過山巔 sparkling with reflections 水光閃爍映照 echoing in my mind 在我心中迴響 swirling like whirlwind 迴轉如疾疾旋風 playing with the ocean 與海洋嬉戲 overcoming time 度過來日時光 <br /> <br /> a night worthy(?) to a brace 適合擁抱的夜晚 a world spiralling in space 世界在空寂裡盤升 feeling the magic 感受魔力 mystical and pute 神秘與純潔 soaring on the wings of your love 在你愛的羽翼上遨遊 dancing with the stars 與星辰共舞 <br /> <br /> 歌詞真的很美,讓我碰觸到英文的優美。 #### 參考文獻 [Damian Drăghici's news, from ProTV]( [Damian Drăghici, from Wiki](